Breaking Barriers as Women in Communications
Mikateko Maswanganyi | 08/06/2024

As we celebrate Women’s Month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the exhilarating and sometimes turbulent journey of being a woman in communications.

From managing the whirlwind of work-life balance to shattering gender biases and harnessing emotional intelligence, our path is often a high-stakes roller coaster. Yet, with resilience and strategic thinking, we can turn these challenges into powerful opportunities for growth and leadership.


Work-Life Balance: Mastering the Art of Juggling


Navigating work and personal life in the world of communications can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. I’ve faced the chaos firsthand, where deadlines, client calls, and personal time blur into one relentless whirlwind.

The game-changing secret? Setting clear boundaries and prioritising self-care.

During working hours, I fully dedicate myself to my clients and the tasks at hand. Heck, I’ll be up at 5 a.m. to prepare a client for a 6 a.m. radio or TV interview. However, during downtime, it's essential to recharge my batteries to perform at my best and offer top-notch client service, not only for myself but also to guide the team that helps achieve those same client objectives. 

Remember, if it's not a life-or-death situation - delaying a report or deferring an urgent meeting won’t have catastrophic effects. 

During my busiest periods, I discovered that reclaiming personal time is essential. Enforcing set work hours, confidently saying no where possible, and turning off notifications after hours are crucial steps to finding that balance.


Navigating Gender Bias: Shattering the Glass Ceiling 


Often, we unintentionally enable bias by remaining silent or taking on traditional roles, like cleaning up after meetings or playing ‘mom’ in the office.

These ‘non-promotional’ or ‘non paid’ tasks often involve activities that consume a significant amount of time without contributing to career advancement or personal development.

In a predominantly male-led team, I’ve encountered my share of gender bias. It has often felt like trying to get a word in at a karaoke night where the mic was never handed to me. But overcoming these challenges isn’t just possible - it’s empowering. 

Assertively showcasing your skills and contributions in a positive and impactful way is vital. Speak up and make your voice heard. By stepping up and challenging these dynamics, especially in this day, we pave the way for a more equitable work environment.


The Role of Emotional Intelligence: Our Superpower 


Where some view emotional sensitivity as a disadvantage, it's important to recognise the small things, which help to build a collaborative and inclusive environment.

In the whirlwind of communications, emotional intelligence (EI) is our superpower, allowing us to navigate the highs and lows, manage client relationships with empathy, and foster cohesive teams. 

Embracing EI enables us to manage interactions with understanding and empathy, turning challenges into opportunities and leading with confidence and compassion without compromising on excellence.


Summing Up


Navigating the dynamic communications landscape as a woman can be daunting, but it’s also an arena brimming with potential. By mastering work-life balance, addressing gender bias, and harnessing emotional intelligence, we can break barriers and inspire others.

There’s a great quote that I am reminded of, ‘Set a good example - you never know who you are inspiring’. So here’s to embracing our roles as women in the workplace, making our mark, and leading with unwavering confidence!